Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 54

Sorry this is going to be a bit quick but I am getting transferred and in about 3 hours. I am going to be going to Tucuman, Alberdi. It is about 7 hours away in bus so I don´t have much time to write.
Love and miss you all lots.
Elder Black

Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 53

Wow how the time passes I just finished one year in the mission so I haven't seen most of you for over one year now. This week was super hot and I had splits with the zone leaders and the is a bunch of walking to get to there area and it was super hot. Also to celebrate a year in the mission I burnt a shirt but the whole day I just had a this line for a Bon Jovi song stuck in my head......I'm half way there....livin on a prayer....I thought it fit well with mission life. This week since I am 1st councilor to the branch president I had to direct the sacrament meeting because president did come to church. It made me smile because it will probably be the first and last time that I ever do it. Then I also had to give a talk and teach the young men. Well other than that I don't remember what happened this week besides the heat Love and miss you lots.
Elder Black


Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 52

This was a super crazy week. We did have enough time to work but we had a super great conference in Salta. The weather took a turn for the colder this week and we had some rain and it didn't really get hot until about yesterday. Today we played soccer in Oran with our zone leaders and a couple of other missionaries. We had a huge conference this week with the entire mission this is super special because we need permission from an area 70 to get the entire mission together. Elder Christenson came and gave a super great talk about the spirit and how we can feel it for different reasons. I actually saw Elder Carter for the first time. He is someone I know from the Dalles. Since there was this huge conference every member had me taking letters to all of the missionaries that had been there and I was Mailman Black for a day and never want to go back. The very next day after getting back from the conference we had our interviews with president and then one of the assistants to the president came to help us out in our area. I went to Colonia Saturday to help them with their baptism. And in the end their investigator got super sick and couldn't be baptized. The sisters were pretty bummed out so we went and bought some ice cream so they could feel better. Love and miss you all lots.
Elder Black

Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 51

Happy Halloween. This week was pretty great. I was tired a lot more than usual but that is alright. To celebrate Halloween we ate some candy corn that I had kept hidden for a year in our district meeting. It wasn't even weird tasting it was just fine. We also did some service that led to us moving dirt for an hour and a half in our white shirts and ties. It was actually pretty fun and luckily the sun was going down so it wasn't so hot. It also rained a couple days this week which was a nice change from the heat. I also have splits this week I got to go to Embarcation a little town about 30 minutes from here to be with Elder Morales in his area. That was a lot of fun. This week as well the 2 big soccer team from Argentina, Boca and River,  played and during that time no one lets us in. But luckily my team won, Boca, so I can wear my jersey without any shame. Sunday we had three youth that wanted to come on visits with us and I thought they were going to be a bit out of control but they ended up being alright. We also passed by a motorcycle accident that was pretty bad. Luckily they had almost everything cleaned up but there was quite a bit of blood on the pavement. Today we played some soccer with a few of the youth and the elders de Embarcation which was super fun and then I got a hair cut because Elder Christeson of the 70 is coming for a conference this week. Love and miss you all lots
Elder Black