Elder Black
Monday, October 30, 2017
Week 50
is going with everyone? I am still dying from the heat here. I am sure
it has started to cool off a bit at home. This week went super fast I
can't believe it. In one year
exactly I will be getting on a plane to head home. I haven't quite been
out on my mission for a year yet but I will be coming home for about 3
weeks early because of the way the weeks work out and because I had 6
weeks in the MTC the 2 years doesn't divide equal for 6 weeks periods so
1 year left. It has gone so fast and I feel like I was just leaving
home a few weeks ago. This week was pretty normal. For our P-day today
we got all our district together and had an asado. This week we had our
zone conference and it was with another zone. I got to see my first
companion from Pichanal and he is finishing his mission this next month.
He lost a lot of weight now that he left Pichanal. It was weird being
the one who knew almost everyone in the conference. I think I was
actually in the older half of the people there which is CRAZY I still
feel like I have been here for like 3 months. Nothing much else happened
that was interesting but love and miss you all lots.